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Aya Khalil

The night before Eid: A Muslim family’s Story

The night before Eid: A Muslim family’s Story

Regular price $24.00 CAD
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Celebrate the end of Ramadan with this luminous Muslim family story about faith, history, and delicious foods.

On the night before Eid, it's finally time to make special sweet treats: Teita's famous ka'ak. Zain eagerly unpacks the ingredients from his grandmother's bulky suitcase: ghee from Khalo Karim, dates from Amo Girgis, and honey from Tant Tayseer—precious flavors all the way from Egypt. Together with Mama and Teita, Zain follows his family's recipe and brings to life Eid songs and prayers, pharaonic history, and the melodies and tastes of his Egyptian heritage. This Muslim holiday story, featuring a delicious ka'ak recipe, is a satisfying addition to a joyful and expansive Eid.

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